
Whether you’re enchanted by their captivating beauty or find them a bit challenging, calatheas stand out as bold and stunning houseplants, boasting foliage that resembles living works of art. Each species unveils its own unique charm, with large, oval-shaped leaves adorned in geometrically symmetrical patterns, captivating the eye with their intricacy. What’s more, some Calathea species showcase an enchanting behaviour where their leaves gracefully fold upward in the evening, resembling hands in prayer, only to unfurl again come morning, earning them the endearing moniker of ‘Prayer Plants’.


Despite their popularity, calatheas are known for their temperamental nature, which poses a challenge for some plant enthusiasts. However, mastering the art of caring for these beauties lies in understanding and meticulously balancing their needs. Although popular, calabashes have a reputation for being temperamental and somewhat challenging for some plant parents. The key to successfully growing a Calathea is to carefully balance all its needs and pay close attention to their rules of care!

There are various different species of Calatheas that can be found in our garden centres, along with some unique ones not listed here.

Calathea insignis lancifolia
Calathea roseopicta medallion
Calathea Bicajoux Gecko - WF

Visit our garden centres to find your perfect calatheas today!

Caring for your Calatheas:


Opt for medium to low light conditions, as direct sunlight can scorch their delicate leaves.


Provide room temperature distilled or purified water, with rainwater being an excellent alternative. Avoid cold water, which may stress the plant and lead to diseases. Keep the soil consistently moist, but ensure it doesn’t become waterlogged. Monitor the soil moisture regularly and adjust watering schedules accordingly to prevent browning of leaf tips or edges.


Maintain high humidity levels to keep your Calatheas thriving. Daily misting and the use of a hygrometer or humidifier can help create the ideal environment. Insufficient humidity can cause browning and crisping of leaf edges, particularly in dry air or air-conditioned spaces.


Calatheas thrive in tropical climates, so ensure they receive ample water and humidity, especially in warmer temperatures.


Opt for a well-draining potting mix, but refrain from repotting immediately upon bringing your Calathea home. Allow it time to acclimatise to its new environment before making any changes. Avoid terracotta pots, as they can absorb moisture needed by the plant to stay hydrated.


While Calatheas don’t require excessive fertilisation, they benefit from standard indoor foliage plant fertilisers. Consider using organic or slow-release options to reduce plant stress and encourage new growth in newly-purchased specimens.

Bonus Tip:

Calatheas are pet-friendly, making them an excellent choice for households with furry friends.

With careful attention to their specific needs, you can enjoy the splendour of Calatheas adorning your indoor space, adding a touch of elegance and charm to your home.