Item Code : VE-015
Product Description : F1 Cluster Chilli
Quantity : 25 seeds
Maturity : 60 days
Seed Sowing Guide
Make small holes in the seedling soil with a gap of 30cm between each hole.
Put 2 to 3 seeds in each hole and cover with a thin layer of soil. Water twice a day until after germination.
When the seedlings grow 3 to 4 true leaves, thin out excess seedlings (remove weak seedlings) or transplant them, keeping the strongest seedling for each hole. Build a trellis to support it.
Top-dress with Mr Ganick 532 organic leafy fertiliser weekly. When the plants grow bigger, use Baba 426 organic fruiting fertiliser. Place the fertiliser away from the plant with a gap of 10 to 15cm, and cover with soil. Water thoroughly after fertilisation.
The fruit is ready to be harvested when it turns red.
Growing Tips:
When the first flower blooms, remove all the axillary buds below it.
Thin leaves to ensure proper ventilation of plants and to avoid mealybug infestations.