Description on product:
Safe for use on most plantes
Does not contain chemicals, harmless to humans and animals
Kills pests with eoskeletons by dehydration
Deters snails and slugs
Does not harm earthworms
Does not harm flying pollinators if used appropriately
Non-chemical pesticide prevents pests from developing pesticide resistance
Diatomaceous Earth, also known as “DE”, is a very fine, white powder. It is made from fossilized remains of microorganisms called diatoms. DE is pure silicon dioxide (SIO2) and is non-toxic.
Food grade diatomacous Earth is often used as a mineral-based mechanical pesticide in gardens. It has sharp microscopic edges which cut and dehydrate gardem pests with exjskeletons.
Earthworms are not harmed by diatomaceous earth, so diamateous earth can also be safely used in Worm Compost Bins.
Diatomaceous Earth does not contain any toxic chemicals, it is safe to the touch for humans and animals
Diatomaceous Earth also has added benefits when mixed in potting media as it has the ability to retain excess fertiliser and release it gradually to plant roots. It also increases porosity, drainage and aeration in potting media.